About Us

How did Breathe Basketball start?

Breathe Basketball had a beginning, like many businesses starting from the ground up, with an idea. I was sitting in a campsite in Esperance, Western Australia with my partner and turned to her saying, “I want to build a website that helps basketball players who want to learn how to play the game the right way”. She, as she always does, inspired me to start typing up drills for people to work on during spare time, which lead to creating drills for coaches to run with their teams, which lead to adding video demonstrations and so forth.

After a solid two months of typing up drill descriptions for individual players and coaches to complete, I decided to get my family and a close friend from America involved with giving me ideas on how to grow this website and make it “different” from the other terrific ones that are already out there. Meeting after meeting, different ideas came up, from camps, to being able to create your own profile and build your own workout or coaching plan. Even though this is a basketball website, a personal favourite would have to be our Mental Health Moments section, which has allowed us to share stories of people going through tough times, even while participating in the sport they love. My family has been a massive part of building this website, without their support, even when I wanted to stop because it got too difficult at times, the website would still be just an idea.

Now, with a massive thank you to the Market Creations team and a close family friend, this idea that started in the notes section on an iPhone, has turned into a reality with the capability of growing further around Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia and (hopefully) the world!

Evolution of Breathe

  • Typing descriptions of drills for individuals.
  • Typing descriptions of drills for coaches to use.
  • Family meetings with minutes.
  • Contact with website designer (Market Creations)
  • Drawing diagrams for drills that require them.
  • Mental Health Moments (Jesse)
  • Taking hours of videos.
  • Editing videos (Rachel).
  • Creating our own camp.
  • Profiles for players and coaches to create.
  • Custom workouts to create for each player or coach.
  • Social Media profile (Jayde and Rachel).
  • Launch!

Mission Statement

Breathe basketball aims to assist motivated basketball players and coaches who are looking to improve their skills and knowledge of the game no matter where they are in their basketball journey.