Team Drills - Rebounding

Workout Drills

1v1 Box Out

1v1 Box Out

  • Have your players in one line at the free throw line facing the basket. There will be on defender facing the player in front of the line.
  • The defender will box the first player out by hitting them in the chest with their forearm and then stepping in front of them trying to hold the player there while they fight to get the rebound.
  • After the defensive player gets 3 rebounds, they can get out and join the offence while the next player goes into defence. 
  • Drill is completed when everyone has played defence. 

Key Points:

  1. Make contact before going for the ball.
  2. Compete!

What You Need:

  1. A basketball.

Starting Point

1 v 1 box

Super Man

Super Man

  • Have 3 players around the small arc in the keyway, if there isn’t one, start under the basket and take 2 steps back. 
  • The coach will shoot the ball and the 3 will have to box each other out to try and gain position.
  • Once a player gets the ball, they have one chance to score. If they score, they get a point, if they miss, the ball goes back to the coach. 
  • Repeat till a player gets 3 points. 

Key Points:

  1. Get good position.
  2. Strong finishes through contact.

What You Need:

  1. A basketball.


3v3/4v4 Box Out

3v3/4v4 Box Out (J/S)

  • Create two even teams of 4 players. The offensive players will have one on each block and the other two will be on each elbow.
  • The defensive players will line up facing their opponent. 
  • Coach will have the basketball and will call “rotate” when they want the defence to move around clockwise to another offensive player. 
  • When the coach decides to shoot the ball, the defensive players will box out the offensive players and yell “shot”. 
  • Both offensive and defensive players are crashing hard for the rebound. If defence gets it, that is one point. If the offence gets it, minus a point off the defensive tally but they cannot go lower than zero.
  • Once the defensive team gets 3 points you can switch the offence and defence. 

Key Points:

  1. Communication!
  2. Body contact before going for the ball.

What You Need:

  1. A basketball.

Starting Point

3 v 3 box